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Joining the Wireless Network

Go to the Wi-fi section of your device


  • Enter your network username and password
  • Click connect
  • Go to Windows or macOS section

Windows Certificate Install Instructions see below

macOS Certificate Install Instructions see below

Windows Certificate Install BYOD 

1. Download and open South Bromsgrove High root certificate

2. Click Install Certificate

        3.  Choose Local Machine. Select Next

         4.  Select Next

         5.  Select Place all certificates in the following store

          6.  Browse to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities Folder and click Ok

7.  Click Next then Finish to install the certificate. You should see a message telling you the       import was successful.

BYOD macOS Certificate Install Instructions

 Download the certificate and save the file

  1. From the Finder menu, go to Go > Utilities.
  2. Launch the Keychain Access application
  3. From the Keychains panel, click System
  4. From the Category panel, click Certificates
  5. Create a new keychain by clicking the [ + ] at the bottom of the Keychain Access window
  6. Navigate to your download directory and select the certificate file
  7. Click Open
  8. If prompted, enter your MAC password and click Modify Keychain Access
  9. Double-click the relevant certificate in the list
  10. Expand the Trust section
  11. In the When using this certificate drop-down, select Always Trust
  12. Close the certificate window
  13. When prompted, enter your MAC password to confirm the changes and click Update Settings
  14. Close the Keychain Access window
  15. You can now access the web, move on to Printing section



    • Download papercut here
    • Accept License Agreement
    • Select FollowME & ColourFollowME
    • Enter your network username and password
    • Finish


    Please see ICT Support

    Installing Office

    You have access to install the latest Microsoft Office Pro Plus, this is only available whilst you are a student and will stop working when you leave.

    • Open a web browser and go
    • Enter your school email address and password
    • There will be a button called “Install Office”
    • Follow the on screen installation instructions

    If you have problems connecting please come to ICT Support.