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Silver DofE

Silver DofE

The Silver Award is undertaken by approximately 90 students in Year 11.

The Silver Expedition section is led by Miss Walters (WT) and Miss Watson (KWA). The Silver team consists of approximately 12 experienced and well qualified supervisors who take responsibility for supporting groups of students during the Wednesday afternoon training and route planning sessions, and during the expeditions themselves.

The Silver team is supported by Mr Dixon (Director of DofE), Mrs Kershaw and Miss Street (DofE Administrators).

Key dates 2024-25

Deadline for enrolment forms to be returned in person to Miss Street, Mr Dixon or Mrs Kershaw: Thursday 3 October

Deadline for enrolment/admin payment to be made online: Thursday 3 October

Expedition payment due: 1 March 2025

Expedition training starts on Thursday afternoons 3.20pm to 4.20pm: Late October

Practice Expedition: Thursday 3 April to Tuesday 8 April 2025

Qualifying Expedition: Monday 7 July to Friday 11 July 2025
