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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Team

We have a very well-established Pastoral Team who work closely with all students, parents and Tutors to ensure each child has the best support we can offer.
Each year group has a Head of Year and Deputy Head of Year who follows the year group through Year 9 to Year 11; this means we can get to know the students and parents as we work with them during their time at South Bromsgrove High. Heads of Year are support by Deputy Heads of Year who focus on attendance, student expectations and wellbeing.
Within the team, we also have 7 Student Support Officers who focus on supporting health and wellbeing, SEND, vulnerable learners and behaviour.

Communication System

We understand the importance of keeping in touch with parents. We have numerous scheduled opportunities to discuss your child’s progress through our Parents Consultation Evenings. These are ideal opportunities to speak directly to classroom teachers for feedback. Should you need to contact your child’s Head of Year at any point during the year, please contact our main reception who will be able to help. You will also receive regular correspondence from your child’s Head of Year, with letters relating to key dates and various events.

Pastoral Support

Each student becomes part of a tutor group which is linked to a house. The tutor plays a significant role in offering support to your child. Students remain with their tutor throughout their time here to ensure a strong relationship is developed. Tutors will have an overview of each student’s academic progress and will oversee the maintenance of good standards of behaviour in the classroom and around the school. The tutor also plays an important part in liaising with parents to ensure each child is supported during their time here.

PSD curriculum

During Year 9, 10 and 11 students will receive guidance on Personal Health and Social Development as they work with their tutor. Students also follow a Citizenship & PSHE programme which covers a range of topics: for example, Human Rights, Diversity within our Society, Healthy Lifestyles, Relationships and Local Justice Systems. It is a spiral curriculum that revisits topics in more depth as students’ progress through the school. In addition to this, students will work on KS4 Personalised Pathway Options, Careers/ Work Experience and Post 16 options and applications. 

Celebrating success

We are keen to recognise students’ success in all their endeavours, and we operate a House Point System. Parents can keep track on their child’s success via My Child at School (MCAS). Each parent will be issued with a log on to the system.


Issues surrounding poor behaviour will be dealt with in line with the School Behaviour Policy. Clearly, we will not allow students to disrupt the learning of others in the classroom. The Year Team and teaching staff will endeavour to work with students and parents to resolve all behaviour issues. Any negative behaviour events will be recorded on BromCom. Again, parents can view this via MCAS.


Bullying may be verbal or physical and will not be tolerated by the school in any form whatsoever. If your child is a victim of bullying, or you suspect some kind of bullying is occurring at school, please do not hesitate to let us know. Also, encourage your child to inform a member of staff they trust and feel able to talk to. No action will be taken without consulting the person suffering bullying, unless their health or safety is at risk. No student at South should put up with bullies – silence is the bully’s main weapon!


A variety of tasks will be set on a regular basis as appropriate to support your child’s learning. We would encourage students to engage in wider reading and to make use of online resources such as MyMaths, SENECA and BBC Bitesize.
The following are essential guides to ensure success throughout your child’s time here:
• Students who have good attendance achieve the best examination results.
• Do not put your child’s success at risk by arranging family holidays in term time.
• Please make sure your child gets to school on time.

 Home School Partnership

It is our belief that every child deserves the very best when it comes to education and we make it our purpose to provide just that to all the young people who enter the school. We are committed to ensuring that the students in our care develop into happy, confident young people with a love of learning; but most of all, we want students to be happy and enjoy their time with us. For students to be successful it is essential that the school, students and families work together. Please find attached our Home School Partnership which we ask all parents, carers and students to complete at the beginning of each year.

Home School Partnership 2024-25

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support

Health and Mental Wellbeing

The wellbeing of our students is at the heart of South Bromsgrove. Our students are all valued individually, as we strive to support them to achieve academic success, which goes hand in hand with their emotional and physical wellbeing.

We recognise that a healthy school is one where young people feel safe, supported and empowered. It’s a place where every person is given the opportunity to develop their emotional, physical, & social wellbeing. Schools cannot do this work alone. A healthy school also relies on wider support from families, a network of agencies and the community.

By helping to support young people in this way, it makes it possible for them to develop into well rounded and resilient young people, and we will do our upmost to supply them with the tools to progress and realise their full potential.

At our school, we are committed to providing comprehensive health education, promoting physical activity, and ensuring a safe and inclusive atmosphere where every student feels valued. Our dedicated team of Student Support Workers, Mentors and Education Mental Health Practitioners, work collaboratively to create programs and initiatives that encourage healthy lifestyles, resilience, and emotional intelligence. By integrating health and wellbeing into our curriculum, we equip students with the tools they need to thrive both academically and personally.

Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools

We are proud to have been awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence School Mental Health Award, a prestigious recognition that highlights our commitment to mental health. This accolade reflects our ongoing efforts to implement effective mental health strategies and foster a culture of care and support. Our school provides access to a range of mental health resources, including counselling services, peer support groups, and mindfulness programs. By addressing mental health proactively, we aim to create a positive and empowering environment where students can flourish. Our recognition by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools is a testament to our dedication to the wellbeing of our entire school community.

Some of the interventions and support packages we offer

  • 2 school nurses – Sexual Health & General Health related issues
  • Brookside – learning support unit
  • Alex Rogers - Therapeutic Youth Worker
  • Respect Programme - 1-1 targeted support for students & Group workshops
  • Reach4wellbeing – Anxiety Group workshop
  • School Therapy dog – to help reduce stress, anxiety and gain in confidence, increase school attendance
  • Listening service & Adults other than teacher Mentors
  • Bereavement Counselling