Parent Links

Parent Links



At South, we aim to offer all students of all abilities the opportunity to make accelerated progress by completing tasks outside our school’s core teaching hours. Our homework tasks are designed to consolidate learning that has taken place in the classroom and to provide research opportunities where students can use reference materials and the internet to increase their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic. Many teachers at South favour a ‘flipped learning’ approach where students have to research a topic or theme before there is any formal teaching at all, so students have some understanding of the material and the teacher can build on this in subsequent lessons.

Our homework policy ensures that teachers set homework when it is purposeful and meaningful. The tasks our teachers set aim to extend understanding beyond the classroom and foster and promote a lifelong love of learning.

 All homework is recorded on Satchel and students can see at a glance, what homework has been set. Students in all years can use the school planner provided to record homework tasks.  All parents can view the homework that staff set through the Satchel website and parents are also able to have the Satchel app on their own devices to monitor the homework being set and its completion. This can be beneficial in helping students to organise their time and meet homework deadlines.

 The homework overviews for each subject area are detailed below and parents can support the school by ensuring that their children are completing these tasks to the best of their ability at home.

Students in year 9 should expect 1 hour per evening, usually for 2 subjects.

Students in Years 10 and 11 should expect 90 minutes to 2 hours per evening, usually for 3 subjects.

Our sixth form homework policy is needs driven and we have a ‘one for one’ mantra where students should complete at least 1 hour’s additional study for every timetabled lesson in school.