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Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is

the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between students from disadvantaged

backgrounds and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the students

who need it most.

How many Pupil Premium Students are there at South?

Year group

Total number of students

Number of Pupil Premium students

% of Pupil Premium students













Lower school cohort




How much Pupil Premium money does the school get?

For the 2022-23 school year the school received £152,430.  The Pupil Premium for the 2023-24 school year is estimated to be £175,270.

In 2023-24 the funding allocation is £1,035 per pupil, £2,530 for a LAC pupil or £335 for children of Armed Forces’ families.

How was the Pupil Premium used last year?

For a more detailed breakdown of the impact of our spending, please see our review document here.

What are the key barriers to educational achievement faced by PP students at South?

We have identified through internal analysis and external research that there are five key barriers to achievement for our PP students:

  1. The attendance of PP students is often less frequent than that of non PP students. 
  2. The literacy and / or numeracy levels of our PP students are often lower than our non PP students
  3. Our PP students can lack the resilience of their non PP counterparts
  4. The study habits of PP students are not always as effective as the rest of their cohort, which also affects homework completion and revision.
  5. PP students may have lower aspirations when compared to non PP students

We have principally directed our funding into strategies to address these barriers, as well as to ensure that our students are well-prepared for life after South.

For a detailed chart of the Proposed Pupil Premium Spending click here

I am not sure if my child could have free school meals – how do I find out?

Please contact: Worcestershire County Council

Free School Meals Apply Online

Contact Tracey or Karen in the Free School Meals Team on

Tel 01905 845280 or at 
If you have any queries.

When will you next review your Pupil Premium strategy?

We review our Pupil Premium strategy on an annual basis and update the Pupil Premium policy annually in November. The impact of Pupil Premium expenditure is reviewed on a termly basis following assessment rounds and is discussed by the Senior Leadership Team and linked trustee. 

Where can I get more information?

To view our Pupil Premium policy, please click here.

For information about how we plan our provision and track progress please contact Ian Medlicott ( or Kristy Pascoe ( ).

The school’s trustee linked to Pupil Premium is Rob Steenton. He can be contacted via Hilary Weekes (

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