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Parent Consultation

Parent Consultation

This year, we will be conducting Parent Consultation Evenings by video appointments using School Cloud on the following dates:

Year 9 Wednesday 29th January 2025
Year 10 Tuesday 1st April 2025
Year 11 Wednesday 26th February 2025
Years 12 & 13 Tuesday 11th March 2025

Each event starts at 3pm and ends at 7pm.  The school will close at 2.20pm for all students, the end of period 4.

We will be using a web-based system called ‘School Cloud’ for bookings and a platform for appointments.

Technical Information

In order to make video calls you need to have as a minimum:

  • A device with a microphone and speaker
  • A compatible web browser
  • iPhone/iPad: Safari
  • Android: Chrome or Firefox
  • Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
  • Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox
  • Linux: Chrome or Firefox

We  recommend:

  • Using your smartphone for video appointments. If you do not have a smartphone with a front-facing camera, use a laptop or computer with a webcam.
  • Using a headset (or earphones with a microphone) to reduce echo.


To book your appointments please visit,

 It will be open for bookings at least a week before the actual evening, you will be notified of the opening date in advance via email.

Although you will not be able to book appointments before the opening date, you can log into the system to check that you are able to access the web site.

To login in you will need your child’s date of birth and a login code, which will be sent to you in a separate email. 

Things to Note

  • The only access to the Booking System is via the School Cloud website listed above
  • Each appointment lasts for 5 minutes.  The system will automatically disconnect the video call once 5 minutes have passed.  Please don’t think we are being impolite!
  • The teacher’s next session will be booked to follow immediately afterwards, so it is not possible for them to delay starting the next meeting. 
  • If you are late or miss an appointment we will not be able to move your appointment to a later time.
  • Please do not book consecutive appointments or appointments with two teachers of the same subject

How to Make the Most of Parent Consultation Meetings

  • Your child should attend the meetings. It may be helpful to position yourselves so you can all be seen on the web camera.
  • The School Cloud system allows you to ask questions in advance. This will allow your child's teachers to prepare a response and to have the information at hand that you need.
  • Please have a pen and paper ready to take notes
  • You will not be able to book back-to-back meetings without a break between.  This will give you a chance to break or pause to have an initial discussion with your child.

Technical Troubleshooting  

Some phones might default to a different browser. A computer may auto disable a camera. To help with this the system opens an hour before appointments start allowing plenty of time to run the inbuilt sound and visual test and if needed time to resolve problems. 

Connectivity can still be an issue, especially if you are moving around on a phone it will cut out. So I recommend you remain in one location for the meetings.

When you are at home the connection is unfortunately only as stable as your home internet connection. So make as much bandwidth available as you can. You can increase bandwidth by asking other users to remain offline during the meetings. 

If you are connecting using wifi at work, or even at home using a work laptop via a remote dial in, your employer’s firewall may prevent connections. You could talk to your IT department first or use a personal device  

As always, if you need help setting up the system or have difficulties accessing the platform please do not hesitate to contact school.

Information Guides


