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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1.How do I contact the school?

The school office is open between 08:00 and 16:30 Monday to Thursday and until 16:00 on Friday.  There is a facility to leave a message outside office hours or during busy periods when high volumes of calls are being received. 
Telephone number - 01527 831783

2. How do I report my child’s absence?

You can contact the attendance office directly on 01527 839063 or leave a message with reception staff on the school office number 01527 831783.  Regular updates are appreciated if a student is absent for more than 48 hours. A form for requesting planned absence is available from reception or the attendance office.  Please note that we do not authorise family holidays in term time.

3. What if my child is late?

Students who arrive after the second bell has gone (08:50) are required to sign in with the attendance officer.
3 unauthorised arrivals in a week incurs an after-school detention, usually issued for the following week.

4. Who do I need to contact to pass an urgent message to my child?

Our reception staff will do this for you - contact the school office on 01527 831783.

5. How do I speak to a member of staff?

Contact our reception staff on 01527 831783 or email  Alternatively, you can send a letter or write a note in your child’s planner.  A message will be sent to the relevant staff member.  Please be aware that teachers may have a full teaching timetable on that day, so may be unable to respond immediately. 

6. What is the role of the Tutor?

The Tutor is the main point of contact in school regarding your child and should be your first point of contact if you have any issues or concerns.  Your tutor will be able to involve other members of staff if needed. 

7. How often will I receive my child’s report?

There are three reports posted home to parents throughout the year. Each report indicates for every subject a target grade, a projection based on how they are performing at the time of writing the report, an ‘attitude to learning’ grade and an indication of the status of homework and coursework. The final report includes a comment from the form tutor about your child’s progress and development during the year. The date the report is posted varies depending on the year group and these dates are in the school calendar.   You can also access details about your child’s grade via

8. Where can I find information about exams?

Information regarding dates for all exams are posted on the website here.  The Exams Office is available on 01527 831783 between 8am and 4pm to help with specific queries.

9. How can I top up my child’s lunch account?

You can top up your child’s lunch account at any time using the online payment system ParentPay.  Through ParentPay you will also be able to view what food and drink your child is purchasing and what balance is left on their account.  Cash and cheques will no longer be accepted.  A link to ParentPay can be found on our parent section of the school website.  Please contact the school if you require an activation username and password.

10. Where can I find term dates?

Term dates can be found here.