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Age Related Expectations (Year 9)

  • ARE

    Age Related Expectations are a list of statements given by subject leaders that students are aiming to develop by the end of Year 9.  These are based on current curriculum knowledge or skills.

    Art End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    By the end of KS3 students will be expected to produce a range of creative work and demonstrate an increased proficiency in the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding specified in the schemes of work. Students will be able to:                                                                                                      

    • Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others.
    • Use a range of techniques to record ideas and observations.
    • Use a variety of materials, techniques and processes.
    • Know and understand about great artists, craft makers and designers.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of subject specific key words and definitions - Literacy in Art.
    • Show increased proficiency in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.

    Biology End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Knowledge of prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells
    • Use microscopes effectively
    • Knowledge of the cell cycle & stem cells
    • Comparison of methods of cellular transport
    • Knowledge of the digestive, circulatory & respiratory systems
    • Explanation of how enzymes work
    • Work safely when carrying out an investigation
    • Identify variables (e.g. independent, dependent & control)
    • Calculate a mean
    • Make observations
    • Interpret experimental results
    • Describe patterns
    • Explain trends

    Chemistry End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Identify correct apparatus and technique.
    • Work safely when carrying out an investigation
      Write a hypothesis (e.g. make a prediction about temperature change based on reactivity of a metal)
    • Identify variables (e.g. independent, dependent & control)
    • Make accurate measurements (e.g. measuring volumes & temperature measurements during exothermic and endothermic reactions)
    • Calculate a mean
    • Make observations (e.g. group 7 displacement reactions)
    • Interpret experimental results (e.g. energy changes Required Practical – temperature changes)
    • Draw conclusions (e.g. reactivity of group 7 elements.
    • Make comparisons based on experimental evidence (e.g. comparing models of the atom based on evidence from the gold foil experiment)
    • Describe patterns (e.g. boiling point of noble gases)
    • Explain trends (e.g. boiling point of the halogens)
    • Make predictions (e.g. melting point of astatine, reactivity of francium)
    • Discuss limitations of models (e.g. particle model of solids, liquids & gases)
    • Understand that models are representations for complex ideas (e.g. ionic lattice, atomic structure, plum pudding model, nuclear model
    • Understand that experimental evidence can lead to a change in models and ideas over time (e.g. development of the atomic model

    Computer Science End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Be able to define hacking
    • Understand the term malware
    • Understand what cryptography is and be able to encrypt and decrypt messages
    • Can write programs in Python with little help 
    • Can decode programming problems
    • Identify hardware and software
    • Code a Microbit in Python
    • Explain what AI is and the ethical implications
    • Create and manipulate spreadsheets
    • Manipulate graphics using Photoshop

    Drama End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • FOCUS -Can consistently stay in role for the whole of a performance, supporting the collective effort of the group.
    • RESPONSE TO IDEAS & PERFORMANCE - Can respond to questions and feedback in class intelligently and without encouragement. Is able to reflect on their own work, and the work of others with sensitivity and critical confidence.
    • TECHNIQUE -Can recognise and use various different drama techniques with definite confidence and creativity.
    • INTERPRETATION – Can read text and infer ideas about character and motivation based upon suggestions by writers.
    • IMPROVISATION – Can apply their imagination to reach creative solutions to challenges faced by their group.

    English End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Literature 

      • An explained response to task and whole text using the what how why structure
      • Textual references used to support a range of relevant comments 
      • Explained/relevant comments on writer’s methods with some relevant use of subject terminology
      • Identification of effects of writer’s methods on reader 
      • Some understanding of implicit ideas/ perspectives/contextual factors shown by links between context/text/task


      • A clear piece of writing that is creative and individual
      • Some sustained attempt to match purpose, form and audience
      • Some control of register 
      • Conscious use of vocabulary
      • Some use of linguistic devices whilst writing 
      • Increasing variety of linked and relevant ideas
      • Use of paragraphs and some use of discourse markers 
      • Some use of structural features 

      To be able to formulate opinions and express themselves orally and in writing. To be able to understand and approach different text types critically and draw out inferences. 


    French End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • To learn vocabulary each week to have a good knowledge of the following topics:
      -             Self and relationships
      -              Technology and social media
      -              Health and fitness
      -              Entertainment and leisure
      -              Food and drink
      -              Festivals and celebrations
    • To be able to spell common verbs accurately in the first person (use verb table to check spellings and accents)
    • To have an understanding of how to construct sentences in simple, correct French using accurate verbs to describe and express opinions.
       -             Speedy Revision Lists
       -             Verb table
       -             GCSE Knowledge Mat

    Geography End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Knowledge – to be able to locate specific places including all seven continents, 5 oceans and key countries e.g. The UK.
    • Knowledge – to include specific case study information into extended writing to support answers.
    • Explanations – to be able to explain human and physical processes clearly.
    • Classify – to be able classify effects into social, economic and environmental.
    • Evaluate – to be able to give both sides of an argument and come to a conclusion.
    • Application – to be able to apply existing knowledge and understanding to unfamiliar examples.
    • Analyse – to complete and describe basic graphs and statistics

    History End of Year 9 age-related expectations                                                                                                                     

    • Knowledge of the chronological framework of history over time.
    • Knowledge of differing ideologies of the 20th century.
    • Knowledge of the causes and consequences of the world wars and the impact on different groups of people.
    • Knowledge of the events and outcomes of the Holocaust.
    • Knowledge of the tensions caused during the cold war era.
    • Ability to analyse historical sources effectively.
    • Ability to judge interpretations of history.
    • Understanding of the similarities and differences of events.
    • Evaluate change and continuity over time.
    • Judge the relative significance of historical events.

    Maths End of Year 9 age-related expectations                                                                                                                       

    • Competent with calculating with integers, fractions, decimals, percentages and directed numbers.
    • Can draw graphs of straight lines and curves, and use them to solve equations.
    • Can calculate probability and relative frequencies.
    • Can solve linear and some non linear equations and inequalities.
    • Can find and use areas of 2d shapes and volume of 3d shapes.
    • Can use and describe transformations.
    • Use Standard Index Form.
    • Use angle facts to solve problems.
    • Simplify, expand and factorise a range of algebraic expressions.
    • Can use and describe a range of sequences.
    • Can use and interpret ratio and proportion problems.

    Music End of Year 9 age-related expectations                                                                                                                         

    • Performance

    To be able to perform on an instrument as a soloist, as well as within a group/ensemble setting.

    To be able to perform on an instrument confidently and fluently.

    • Composing

    To be able to create musical ideas with contrasting sections.

    To be able to create musical ideas with an understanding of the mood/emotions they might represent.

    • Appraisal/Listening

    To be able to identify different genres/styles of music.

    To be able to identify different features of a piece of music i.e. tempo, metre, dynamics, tonality etc.


    Religious Studies End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    (in line with the skills in the Worcester Agreed Syllabus 2020-2025)                                                                          

    • Knowledge - Use keywords and examples to improve religious literacy.
    • Empathy – Respect a wide range of religious, beliefs and practices.
    • Interpret - Explain and understand religious teachings and scholars.
    • Argumentation - Show reasoning and evidence.
    • Relevance - Link ideas back to the question.
    • Analysis - Demonstrate good critical thinking.
    • Evaluate - Show both sides of the argument


    Physical Education End of Year 9 age-related expectations                                                                                             

    • Understand, explain and apply basic rules and tactics in a variety of activities.
    • Be able to demonstrate an understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses.
    • Be able to consistently perform a variety of basic skills in a variety of sports.
    • To be able to actively participate in a competitive situation.
    • To demonstrate resilience when challenged.
    • To demonstrate a willingness to work hard in all situations.
    • To understand when to use more complex skills in competitive situations.
    • To be organised with kit and ready to learn in all lessons.
    • To demonstrate the correct attitude to work effectively as a part of a team.
    • To use sport specific language when responding to teacher lead questioning.
    • Demonstrate an awareness of safety in preparation for and during physical activity.                                            

    Physics End of Year 9 age-related expectations


    • To be able to describe how energy can be stored, transferred, and dissipated
    • To understand conservation of energy
    • To be able to calculate ‘work done’ using the equation W=Fs
    • To discuss efficiency and use the equation


    • Describe what is meant by charge, current, potential difference and resistance
    • Recall the shapes of I-V graphs for resistors, filament lamps and diode
    • Discuss ohmic and non-ohmic behaviour (linear and non-linear) from I-V graphs
    • Use and rearrange equations E = QV ,  Q = It,  V = IR
    • Be able to describe experimental techniques for getting the data to plot I-V graphs


    • Be able to discuss weight and mass – their differences and how they might change
    • Identify and name different forces –contact/non-contact
    • Apply Newton’s third and first laws calculating the resultant in simple situations
    • Understand centre of mass and locate where it might be on different objects
    • Recall the relationship between force and extension for a stretched spring (F=ke), and how this might be demonstrated with an experiment
    • Can discuss how stretching might be temporary or permanent

    Matter and Molecules

    • Be able to describe, in writing and/or diagrams, the arrangement, energy and motion of particles in solids, liquids and gases
    • Understand the concept of density
    • Use and rearrange the equation
    • Be able to measure density for regular solids, irregular solids and liquids
    • Discuss and describe changes of state in terms of energy and particles, using appropriate vocabulary, including the understanding of latent hear
    • Use and rearrange the equation energy for a change of state = mass × specific latent heat, E=mL
    • Describe how pressure in a gas is caused by particle motion and how a change in temperature affects the pressure

    How Science works – disciplinary knowledge and skills

    • Collect and experimental data and record in a table
    • Calculate a mean
    • Plot data from an independent and dependent variable and draw a line of best fit
    • Evaluate the quality of data by identifying anomalies and sources of error such as zero error and random error
    • Identify a directly proportional relationship
    • Begin to use multipliers for units i.e. milli, kilo and Mega
    • Re-arrange simple linear equations e.g. V = IR, F=ke, W=mg
    • Recall standard units for quantities studied                                                                                                                                     

    Design & Technology End of Year 9 age-related expectations

    • Design - Recognise the design principles of a number of designers, design styles, design movements and companies and apply them to your own products.
      Write detailed and clear design briefs and specifications.
      Design, develop and make products that satisfy a list of success criteria.
      Refine design ideas and products to make them more appealing and satisfy the success criteria.
      Communicate ideas clearly through sketching, annotating, working drawings and modelling by hand and using CAD.
      Use Computer Aided Design to visualise ideas both in 2D and 3D.
    • Make - Use Computer Aided Manufacturing to produce high quality products and components.
      Make products accurately to a tolerance using a working drawing.
      Measure and mark out onto materials accurately.
      Cut, shape and form a range of materials accurately and safely using a range of machinery, tools and equipment.
      Finish materials to a high standard, recognise faults and correct them independently.
    • Evaluate - Investigate new and emerging technologies.
      Analyse existing products and recognise the materials used and the manufacturing processes involved in their manufacture.
    • Technical understanding - Apply maths practically and accurately to be precise when making products..
      Recognise and use mechanical systems to create movement in a product.
      Understand how basic electronic systems work and their components.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

      Cooking and nutrition

    • To be able to conduct research independently using valid sources of information.
    • To show understanding of the concepts, principles and properties of food science, cooking and nutrition
    • To work safely and effectively to apply precise technical skills.
    • To have practical work that shows creativity and artistic flair.
    • To work safely and precisely use a wide range of equipment and machinery when making.
    • To reflect on a wide range of food and nutrition topics and my own practical work to critically analyse, evaluate and to draw well-evidenced conclusions.